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For many years, sex was taboo.
Now that’s not the case, but myths and misconceptions are always crowding the minds of young people and adults.
Even now, some people are still hesitant to talk about masturbation.
They find information about it on the internet, which is filled with masturbation myths.
Where can you find the truth about it, especially if you have specific health concerns?
The best solution is to talk directly to your doctor about it.
And if you’re looking online for info, at least look for reliable sources of information.
The kidneys are on your back and are essential for metabolism, eliminating waste products, and maintaining blood pressure.
They can be affected by urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections.
Is it true that masturbation can have effects on your kidney?
In this article, you will find the answer to this and other pressing questions from a health science perspective.
We will cover real masturbation side effects and bust a few myths around this common practice.
Myths about masturbation
One inaccurate statement about masturbation leads to another, and then it is exaggerated. That’s how myths are born, and since it is such a personal topic, most people won’t dare ask about it.
So, first, we want to bust a few myths people usually have about self-sex acts:
Does ejaculating make you weak?
Sometimes you can feel sleepy after masturbation, but the same happens after sex. It does not mean masturbation makes you weak.
Instead, your body releases endorphins and other feel-good hormones that sometimes facilitate sleep.
Does masturbation decrease stamina?
Bodybuilders sometimes avoid masturbation to maintain their physical performance. Sex and masturbation may burn some energy, but they won’t decrease stamina.
There’s a slight drop in testosterone levels after masturbating, but the difference is usually irrelevant.
Does masturbation cause muscle loss?
No. The number of calories you burn through masturbation is insufficient to lose weight or muscle tissue. The testosterone drop is minor and won’t change your body composition.
Can masturbation cause heart problems?
Sex and masturbation may increase your heart rate. If you have a baseline heart condition, this may affect you in one way or another. But heart diseases are not triggered by masturbation.
Can masturbation cause testicular cancer?
Of course not. Frequent ejaculation may even protect against prostate cancer. There is no data to associate masturbation with any type of cancer.
Does masturbation affect immunity?
Quite the opposite. Frequent ejaculation may help you with sleep and give you endorphins. They may indirectly improve immunity.
Does masturbation increase blood pressure?
Sex and masturbation may increase your heart rate and blood pressure, just like exercise. But just like exercise, you will return to baseline levels after you’re done.
Does masturbation affect your kidneys?
Here’s another common belief. People who think masturbation affects the kidneys may reason that the penis is connected to the kidneys.
So, maybe you can get an infection that goes up to your kidneys. Or perhaps they think that people with retrograde ejaculation have urinary problems that affect the kidneys.
However, there is no truth to it.
Can masturbation cause infection in the kidneys? There is no record in the scientific literature that masturbation affects the kidneys in any way.
The rationale falls on its own if we dig into it. You won’t get an infection after masturbating.
Retrograde ejaculation won’t cause kidney disease, either. So, there’s no reason to think that masturbation causes kidney damage.
However, what if you have lower back pain after masturbating?
Does masturbation cause back pain?
Some people may experience back pain after masturbating. If that is your case, is it your kidneys or back pain coming from another source?
Is there a possibility that you were lying in an awkward position for a long time while masturbating? That is probably the case.
During sex and masturbation, endorphins are secreted throughout your body. You feel pleasure and stop feeling pain. You may not even realize that you’re adopting an awkward or uncomfortable position.
But after the climax, everything returns to normal, and you start feeling the pain. Some call it catching gas, which is not the same as kidney pain.
There’s also a possibility that you have an underlying condition that explains the pain. For example, you can have kidney stones that explain the source of the problem.
Masturbation and kidney stones
Back pain caused by the kidneys is usually due to kidney stones or an infection. Kidney stones are far more common in most people. As they move through the urinary system, they cause a painful kidney spasm.
Since the ureters and urethra do not have nerve terminals of their own, the pain sensation is not in a single area. Instead, it radiates through a larger zone. The area of pain is located in the back, or you can also feel thigh or testicular pain.
Masturbation does not cause kidney stones. Even if you have retrograde ejaculation, there is no evidence that this causes kidney stones in anyone.
But can a kidney stone come out in sperm? It is not common, but it is still possible if you casually had a kidney stone stuck in the urethra and then ejaculate.
In such rare cases, you may experience painful ejaculation, but it does not mean that masturbating produces a kidney stone. It just happened to be there when you decided to masturbate.
What might cause pain in your kidneys after masturbation?
If it does not cause kidney problems, why do I get cramps after masturbation?
Human health issues are sometimes very complex, but explaining a symptom can be easier than you thought. As mentioned above, it can result from body posture, not a kidney issue.
What if you have this problem very often? If that’s the case, it would be good to talk to your doctor and get a diagnosis. Maybe chronic lower back pain or a muscle spasm in your back can be the answer to your question.
Does masturbation cause stomach pain?
Stomach and kidney pain felt after ejaculating are not necessarily linked with genital stimulation. Abdominal cramps after masturbation can be due to the contraction of your abdomen and pelvic floor.
Ejaculation comes with involuntary muscle movements in different areas around your genitals. These quick contractions may cause temporary abdominal cramps or discomfort in the rectum or pelvis.
What are the health benefits of masturbation?
There are many myths and misinformation about masturbation. However, we have plenty of health advantages related to this practice.
Many doctors and psychologists have found the following positive effects of masturbation:
Perhaps the more important benefit is that you can reduce your prostate cancer risk. Interestingly, studies show that prostate cancer is 10% lower in people who ejaculate more often (1).Masturbation can prevent incontinence problems and erectile dysfunction. After radical prostatectomy, some doctors may recommend masturbation as a part of a penile rehabilitation program. The goal would be to speed the recovery from incontinence and erectile problems (2).Besides increasing sperm production, studies suggest that you may also increase your circulating white blood cells. Immunity also improves because the stress hormone reduces when you relax after an orgasm (3).For some people, masturbation is an excellent way to boost their mood and relax. They feel more satisfied, and it is a drug-free source of dopamine for the brain.Other chemicals released by the brain after masturbation are oxytocin and serotonin. They relax your body and make you feel satisfied. Sometimes that’s all you need to wind down and fall asleep.More frequent orgasms may also protect your heart. However, it is unclear whether the physical activity associated with sex can cause this risk reduction.
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Are there any side effects of masturbation?
Masturbation is not the same as sexual intercourse. It may not cause kidney disease, but it will definitely have bad implications if you develop an addiction to it.
Physical and mental health issues associated with addictive masturbation include:
Negative self-perception
One of the disadvantages is that masturbation is frowned upon in many religions. Thus, people may often have negative feelings after self-stimulation.
They often feel anxiety, shame, guilt, and sometimes experience self-loathing feelings after practicing masturbation. There’s nothing bad in abstaining from masturbation if your personal beliefs are against it.
However, if this is happening to you, it can be a good idea to talk about it with a therapist.
Masturbation addiction
You can use masturbation to learn self-control and last longer in bed. But sometimes, the opposite happens, and men experience sexual performance issues if they become addicted to masturbation.
They do not feel the same pleasure and may disregard intercourse with their partner. Masturbation addiction has a consequence on behavior and can be associated with psychological problems a therapist should address.
But how do you know you’re addicted to masturbation? It is when the thought of masturbating becomes recurrent, and it starts to influence your social behavior, sexual performance, or relationship with your partner.
There are common misconceptions about masturbation, one of which is that you can get a urinary tract infection or kidney functioning problems.
However, if you ever feel discomfort in your lower back after masturbating, it is more likely caused by the position you adopt.
During sex and masturbation, your body releases hormones that reduce the sensation of pain and discomfort, even if you assume an awkward position. Then, after ejaculating, you start feeling muscle pain, especially if you have chronic lower back pain.
Besides the pleasure, there are health benefits related to masturbation. Ejaculating more often improves your mood if you do it with a good mindset and do not experience religious guilt.
It can prevent incontinence and erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy, and some people use it to wind down and relax for a good night’s sleep.
There is nothing wrong with masturbation as long as it does not trigger negative feelings or become an obsession or addiction.
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The post Does Masturbation Affect Your Kidneys? appeared first on Ben’s Natural Health.