Read More at Well+Good Hormones can take you on a wild ride—physically and emotionally. From your first PMS breakout to the infamous hot flashes of menopause, it’s a rollercoaster from day one, with your complexion often bearing the brunt of these ups and downs. So, it’s no surprise that people tend to see changes in their skin during fertility treatments—when their body is suddenly managing a huge onslaught of these embryo-friendly chemicals. “Skin, in general, can be very sensitive to hormonal changes,” says Julie Rhee, MD, FACOG, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at Kindbody in St. Louis. So any changes that you might notice from normal hormone fluctuations, like getting acne around your period, can be magnified on your skin during fertility treatments. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s a really common complaint, says Loretta…